12th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport
8 - 10 Temmuz 2019
Organizasyon: Uluslararası Sporda Bilgisayar Bilimleri Derneği
Yer: Moskova/Rusya
Web: https://iacss2019.ru/
Organizasyon: Uluslararası Sporda Bilgisayar Bilimleri Derneği
Yer: Moskova/Rusya
Web: https://iacss2019.ru/
Conference Topics
The 12th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport (IACSS 2019) will be held in Moscow, Russia from 8th to 10th July 2019.
The International Association Computer Science and Sport (IACSS) invites submission of both theoretical and application papers in computer science in sports. The papers are expected to link the computer science topics and sports and exercise science topics.
Computer Science topics:
- Modeling and Simulation
- Data Analysis
- Data Acquisition Systems
- Image Processing
- Virtual Reality
- Robotics
- Information Systems
- Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Visualization and Visual Analytics
- Examples for Special Applications:
- Feedback Systems
- Predictive Modeling
- Decision Support
- Digital Games
- Network Analysis
- Complex Systems Analysis
- Bayesian Modeling
Sports and Exercise Science topics:
- Biomechanics
- Motor Control and Learning
- Exercise Physiology and Sports Medicine
- Performance Analysis
- Training, Coaching and Feedback
- Sports Psychology
- Recreation and Rehabilitation
- Sports Management
- Examples for Special Applications:
- Modeling of Adaptation, and Training
- Modeling of Performance and Fatigue
- Optimization of Strategies for Best Performance
- Aging and Exercise
- Exergames
- Talent Diagnostics and Development